Thursday, February 25, 2010

life's just a nightmare; a blog for YOUR complaints

I know, I know. ANOTHER blogwhoring post on Opinionated? Me?. But hear me out, you'll like this one.

As many of you are aware, anyone who reads the comments section on Once Upon a Book Blog/Fourteen Years, Robby and I have a bit of a love affair going. So I felt perfectly comfortable asking if he would care to join me in another one of my FABULOUS ideas. And that idea was this:

Teenagers complain, right? It's, like, our hobby. We love to do it, some of us so much and so publicly that no one takes these complaints seriously. No one looks at teenagers and thinks that we may have some logical points to make, or that anyone under the age of eighteen can have a good idea and/or make decisions (you know those stupid signs that say "a sixteen year old can NOT consent!!!" that I know every sixteen year old in the planet is scoffing at).

Anyway, the point is that teenagers can have some pretty serious things to say, and me and Robby thought it would be a nice idea for a place other then My Chemical Romance message boards for them to post it. Hence life's just a nightmare.

There are two things you could do; send Robby or I something you wrote (poem, journal entry, rant, essay, etc) involving something you feel you need to talk about, anonymously or otherwise. We will then post it within three days of you sending it.

The other thing is our Dear Robby feature. You fill out a simple form with questions you have (under the Contact/Submission tab), and even include one of those crazy little sign-off names (like "Confused" or "Butthurt" or something), and every week Robby or I (Robby's name sounds the most like "Abby") will answer them the best we can. Yeah?



Robby said...

We are such teenagers. :D

Ann Elle Altman said...

I went and checked out the site, looks great! I think this blog will be incredibly helpful for teens.


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