Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Redemption Maddie

I've recently come across a little short film by the name of Redemption Maddie.

Well, not really come across, seeing as I can't find it anywhere. But it stars Mindy from Drake and Josh so, henceforth, I must see it.

If anyone knows of any legal-or-illegal methods of actually seeing the thing, I'd be eternally grateful and junk.

K bye.


Aaron said...

hey, it's available for digital download and purchase on amazon: http://amzn.to/flal82. think you can get a DVD too: http://amzn.to/fpSBsH

The Fan-girl of Miss Allison Scagliotti said...

You know Miss Allison Scagliotti has a name and has played characters superior that the likes of Mindy Crenshaw don't you?

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